What we are about…


How it all began
David Trevilyan, a lateral thinking farmer/engineer, began to commercially manufacture farm machinery in 1982. This came about because several farmers requested farming machinery similar to the ones he had designed, built and was using on his own property.
Over the years many different products were designed and manufactured by the company, with many being sold in Australia and overseas.
In 2019, daughter Kris Trevilyan took over the helm and the company has gone back to basics. What was ground breaking 10-20 years ago is now common place. Customer are now looking for the new wave of technology to suit multiple farming practices in all conditions.
Todays farmers want the same seeding rig to plant a variety of crops with different row spacings into irrigation, cultivation, minimum, OR no till. They want precision seed placement AND depth control, with the options of double or single acting rams and drop tubes, GPS steering of the tractor AND tow behind implement. All of these options are available in a single machine – the Multiplanter.
Multiplanters are towing air seeders which are capable of altering the fertiliser flow rate in accordance to directions from the yield monitor from the previous years harvest.
Multi Farming Systems aim to do just that – supply farm machinery that can perform multiple functions with the same machine.
The company’s policy has always been one of rationalisation. That is, as many parts as possible from our various machines are interchangeable – wheels, bearings and hydraulic rams are common to many machines.
Spare parts are not kept for revenue raising but are available upon request. Components are stockpiled for manufacturing purposes, so unforeseen damages can be taken care of. The aim is to make the purchase price the last financial outlay as much as possible. At Multi Farming Systems, we are not in the business of spare parts. We make cost effective, durable machines with minimal maintenance.